Democratic party in Peru: There is no first without second!


  • Luis E. Huamanchumo de la Cuba Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú
  • Angulo Sánchez Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú



Political candidates, Peruvian political campaign, Probability density function


This paper presents a theoretical exercise to obtain the maximum number of candidates to be submitted to presidential elections to avoid a second round. The method used to achieve this goal is to obtain the probability density function of the number of candidates from the average of the ratios of the political preference share, establishing the likelihood that someone to be elected president in the first round on 1%.


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How to Cite

L. E. Huamanchumo de la Cuba and A. Sánchez, “Democratic party in Peru: There is no first without second!”, TEC, vol. 18, no. 1, Jun. 2008.


