Ekística and Integrated city in Peru: Is it sustainable "comprehensive planning" in our territory?


  • Angélica Maeireizo Tokeshi Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Alas Peruanas, Lima, Peru


Ekistics, Territory, Sustainability, Integral


The present research, currently in progress, has been the natural result of accepting the challenge of teaching to learn a different approach for breathing active urbanism, traveling across our cities: through inhaling vulnerability and exhaling resilience every day; and has had the goal to demonstrate that is possible the efficient practice of holistic city planning through the recognition and dynamic participation of all of the actors inhabiting a territory of the city of Barranco, in Lima; and the consequent generation of places of the soul, by placing urban interventions (as seeds for a project based on integral urban renovations).

The research was approached under an organic-transversal-systemic methodology, thus -Ekistic (UN Habitat and WSE) was chosen as the main method for the prospective diagnosis of the case studies. The results of social transformation in the first stage were recognized by the acceptance of the neighbors in the interactive community workshops. The two workshops were part of the students of Alas Peruanas University cursing Taller VIII de Diseño Arquitectónico whose theme and scope service-learning was designed in coordination with the local authority.


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