Surface approach for design architectural envelopes


  • Raúl Galvez Tirado Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú.


Parametric, discretize, tesellations, gridshells, circleparking, scripting, pattern, triangulations


This paper involves the definition of a method of surface approximation by meshes. These meshes are defining grid shells, structures usually constructed of simple-layer lattice to define theen closure. The assembly of the lattice can be set of planar or curved faces or it can be enveloped by a continuous membrane.
The methods of approximation consist of the optimization of predefined triangulation sover the surface, which will be very use fulf or aesthetic and fabrication purposes. After wards, these optimized triangulations will be used in order to get a polygonal mesha cording to several predesigned patterns that, in this research, consist of an hexagonal pattern.
The methods used in this research should be taken as a tool for surface approximation design and as way to established a strong relation ship between design and fabrication. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the applications of this tools in structural design for architectural envelopes. Although the referenced models in this research are what we know as grid shells, the methods described can be used to design a wide range of structural types made by the assembly of flat panels and a structural lattice. In the same way, this methods can be applied generally to any kind of shape not only to free-form structures.


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